This DVD series, produced by the educational department at Canal 4 in Brazil, covers every aspect of soccer coaching. Excellent computer graphics and animation and practical exercises and games, demonstrated by the U19 players of Cruzeiro and America Mineiro Soccer Clubs, bring to light the Brazilian coaching methods. We are pleased to translate and bring the 13 DVDs in this series to you in English.
Includes the following titles:
- D333 - Coaching Soccer Skills
- D334 - Adapted Games for Soccer
- D335 - Zonal Defending
- D336 - Training Using Game Situations
- D337 - Conditioning for Soccer Players (3 Disc Set)
- D338 - Fundamentals of Soccer Goalkeeping
- D339 - Goalkeeper Warm Up
- D340 - Coaching the Soccer Team
- D341 - Recreational Games for Soccer
- D342 - Set Plays for Soccer (4 Disc Set)
- D343 - Warm Ups for Soccer
- D344 - Tactical Training: The 4-4-2 System
- D345 - Tactical Training: The 3-5-2 System